Accompanying events

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Africa Days

10.4 - 11.4, 10. 4. od 9:00 do 18:00 hodin, 11. 4. od 9:00 do 15:15 hodin | FF ZČU, místnost SP 319
The first year of the international african studies conference "Africa Days" will be truly spectacular event! It is attended by over 20 guests from 14 countries and 3 continents. Even Dr. Ahmed Hassen, who is the head of the Institute of Ethiopian Studies at the University of Addis Ababa, accepted the invitation of organizers of the Department of Historical Sciences UWB(University of West Bohemia) FF (Center for African Studies). Preliminary program available here:

Photo exhibitions

Cairo: Hidden Beauty of the Islamic Architecture

15.3 - 21.4, vernisáž dne 14. 3. v 17 hodin. | ZČM | Mgr. Hana Benešovská | Mgr. Hana Nováková, Ph.D. | Attached file
The exhibition of large format photographies by Jan Brodský shows architectonic beauty of Cairo. Islamic architecture is essential part of world cultural heritage and you may find many interesting architectonic treasures in Cairo, dating back to the ages of first Arab settlers. Thematically divided exposition shows not just long story of urban development, but also brings specific data about types of structures and their function. Large collection of photographies, which were taken during October 2009 even at the places, which normal people aren't likely to visit brings unique visual information about contemporary state of sites at Cairo. The exhibition was set up thanks to his Excellency Mohammed Ibraheem Abddel Hakam, the ambassador of the Egypt Arab Republic for the Czech Republic and Montenegro. The exhibition is open for public from 15th of March till 21st of April, 2013. The exhibition is open everyday except for Monday, since 10am till 6pm.

Faces of the Orient

19.3 - 12.4, | TOTEM-RDC | Marcela Honsová | Attached file
The exhibition of Marcela Honsová will introduce you people who she met during her journeys in Africa.


19.3 - 12.4, | TOTEM-RDC | MgA. Said Ismail
Meaning of the word "ornament" is translated as decoration or adornment. A typical feature for the using ornament is the repetition of elements according to certain rules, which were the most often used in art, especially in cultures where the faithful depiction of nature was suppressed. Come and enjoy the ornamental paintings by Said Ismail, incurred by screen printing technique.

On the Journey Through Morocco

3.4 - 30.4, vernisáž dne 2. 4. v 17 hodin | Oxford Bookshop | Vladimír Váchal | Attached file
The smell of leather colouring factories, taste of strong mint tea, or majestic Moroccan Kasbah are just a small portion of memories, which come to mind of travellers when they hear Morocco. Tourist friendly country under Atlas Mountains offers incredibly diverse country, which will be presented during photo exposition by Vladimir Váchal.

Ornament in Figure, Figure in Ornament

4.4 - 30.4, vernisáž dne 3. 4. v 16 hodin | Seraf | MgA. Said Ismail
A collection of photographies which utilizes original technique of projection on body. Arabic alphabet is perceived by Europeans as a folder of ornamental, unreadable components. That is the reason why the author extracted letters from latin alphabet and put them into a context of Arabic letters. The beauty of construction elements of words is projected on human body and offers a chance to enjoy its artistic characted, as well as compare their differences.

White and Black – Contrasts of the Libyan Desert

9.4 - 30.4, vernisáž a komentovaná prohlídka dne 8. 4. v 19:30. | Jabloň | Martin Rudiš | Attached file
Black desert and White desert are completely different areas situated in the Western part of Egypt in the middle of the Libyan dessert. Two worlds which contrariness is evident and their names suit best to these differences. Their beauty was captured in Martin Rudiš´s photos during the first Czech expedition of the National Geographic Magazine.

Their Worlds

11.4 - 31.5, vernisáž a komentovaná prohlídka dne 10. 4. v 17:00. | Magistrát | Kamila Berndorffová
Come to see a unique photo exhibition picturing “their worlds” and get to know the magical, un-known world of Arab women. Kamila Berndorffová, the author of the exhibition, caught the private insight into the citizens´ world in the Middle East.

Oman - Home of Frankincense, Thousads of Castles and Arab Traditions

11.4 - 15.5, otevírací hodiny: pondělí až čtvrtek od 13 do 19 hodin | Alliance française de Plzeň | Ing. Jiří Prokop
Photos of Jiří Prokop and Luboš Drbohlav document their journey through Oman. The photos are from the Southern part of Dhofar - the beginning of the Frankincense path, from the Rub al-Chali and Wahiba deserts. You will also see several desert castles Nizwa, Nachla, Bahla nd Bait al-Naaman as well as the highest mountin Djabal Shams, waadi Shab or you can get known the atmosphere of Mudayrib and Mascat cities.

Arabfest in Prague

... a nakonec to prasklo

10.5, Začátek v 19 hodin | Divadlo Na Prádle | Arabské nedivadlo | Attached file
Scénář vznikl na základě dosud nepublikovaného románového textu mladého egyptského autora, jenž vytvořil literární obraz korupce a jiných společenských nešvarů na pozadí historického a politického vývoje Egypta 20. století. Autor předlohy vycházel z autentických archívních materiálů obsahujících policejní záznamy zachycující výpovědi osob, které tím či oním způsobem podlehly tlaku nemilosrdných sociálních a ekonomických poměrů. !!!Repríza!!! Dne 5. 6. od 19 hodin se v Divadle Na Prádle uskuteční repríza divadelního představení. Vstupné 100 Kč, pro studenty za 80 Kč.

Skrytý svět arabských žen

11.5, Akce jenom pro dámy! Od 11 do 15 hodin | InBáze Berkat, o.s. | Leyla Ayari
I vy jste si mnohdy kladli otázku jak vypadá každodenní život arabských žen? Také jste se pokoušeli zavázat šátek kolem hlavy a ono to vůbec nevypadalo tak půvabně a hezky? Přijďte v sobotu 11. května odhalit tento skrytý svět, kam má mužská noha zakázáno. Spolu se naučíme vázat šátek, vyzkoušíme tradiční arabské šaty, zahálky a šperky, hezky se nalíčíme, ozdobíme ruce henou a možná nakoupíme i arabské parfémy a kosmetiku. A v neposlední řadě si odneseme na památku fotku. Na místě bude k dispozici malé občerstvení (v ceně vstupného). Rezervace vstupenek: tel. +420 777 787 335 e-mail:

Vařím, vaříš, vaříme arabsky!

12.5, Začátek v 11 hodin | Restaurant U cedru
Máte rádi arabské jídlo? Chutná vám humus, zeleninové saláty a arabské dezerty? Pokud jste odpověděli ano, tak vás srdečně zveme do restaurace U Cedru, v které nám sám mistr šéfkuchař ukáže, jak se má správně na arabský způsob připravit maso anebo salát. Nebudou chybět základní arabské konverzační obraty při stolování a povídání o stravování a zvycích v arabské kultuře. Počet míst je omezen! REZERVACE/ kontakt: tel. +420 777 787 335, e-mail:

Festival of Orient dancing

Orient Dream 2013

12.4 - 14.4, galavečer dne 14. 4. od 18 hodin | Malý sál Měštanské besedy | Attached file
The fourth year of the festival of orient dances, culture and music of the Middle East in Pilsen is called ORIENT DREAM. The main evening programme will be full of different beautiful oriental dances performed by professional dancers and dance groups. Dr. Mohamed Hassan from Egypt and Maral from Syria accepted an invitation to participate and have some lectures. More information can be found on .


Arab Jewel

5.4 - 26.4, | SVK PK
Arab world hides several treasures, yet women jewel case hides even more. Come with us and peek into skullfuly crafted bracelets, necklaces with semi-precious stones, sparkling earrings, but also daggers and beautifully embroided dresses.

Special events

Tea, two Three.. sweets

5.4 - 12.4, otevírací hodiny: pondělí až sobota 15.00 - 22.00 hodin | Seraf
During the festival week you can get every third tea for free in Seraf Café. Moreover, you will get sweets to your coffee of tea.

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Programme Guide (CZ)

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